Getting oriented in MCAH can be overwhelming, and hard to figure out where to start! We put together a bunch of links to help guide you in the right direction. As always, you can reach out to us if you have questions or would like to learn more!

LEAP Program Resources

UC Berkeley Resources

External Resources

The Maternal and Child Health Leadership, Education, and Advancement in Undergraduate Pathways (LEAP) Training Program promotes the development of a culturally diverse and responsive health care workforce; improves levels of representation; reduces health disparities; and increases access to health care for vulnerable and underserved MCH populations by recruiting, training, and retaining students from historically underrepresented groups, including those who are racially and ethnically diverse, into maternal and child public health professions.

National LEAP Partner Universities

Centers of Excellence in MCH Education, Science and Practice prepares students for careers in maternal and child public health practice, research, planning, policy development, and advocacy. Programs emphasize leadership training, applied research, and technical assistance to communities, states, and regions. (Formerly known as Schools of Public Health.)

Centers of Excellence

MCH Public Health Catalyst Programs provide an increased focus on fundamental MCH content and competencies within schools of public health where no concentration currently exists, and provide MCH content exposure to an increased number of public health students, introducing students to careers in the maternal and child health field.

Catalyst Programs